Friday, August 17, 2001
So, I was driving down the interstate tonight and thought to myself, I could leave town tonight and no one would care or even notice that I was gone. It is true. I could walk out my door and disappear and not a single person in this town would give it a second thought. It is so tempting, almost too tempting. I feel as if I havent a friend in sight here. It is so sad. Nothing is more disheartening than walking in the door, even after you've been gone for days, and there isnt a single message on the machine. No one ever calls. Every night for the past month I have been stuck in this house because no one could be bothered to invite me over or make time in their schedules to even have a cup of coffee or go to a movie. I am so sick of face value friends. They're all about hanging out and spending time to your face but when it comes down to it, it is never a good time for them. I cannot honestly remember a time when I have felt so worthless, so sad, so utterly unloved. My car keys are calling, I'm afraid I might have to answer.
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