
Monday, August 13, 2001

When did my life get so out of my control? I thought that life is what we made it, but more and more I'm learning that life is what we are given and my life was never under my control to begin with. This isn't what I wanted for my life, this isn't what anyone would want for their life. Here I am, lonely, single, and struggling very hard to get over the first guy I've ever loved and having very little success. It seems like everyone around me is changing, growing, and moving on with their lives but I am stuck in this rut. College years are like waiting rooms. You arent an a child anymore but you dont have all the things that go along with being an adult. Everyone says to enjoy that while I can, and I do. But I'm tired of waiting. I am so ready to move on with things, to have a career, a family, a life. But, God knows what He's doing so I guess I'll just have to wait some more. That's just the way it goes.

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