
Wednesday, September 26, 2001

So, in one of my classes we are learning about what attracts people to other people. Not necessarily in romantic relationships, but friendships as well. Anyways, supposedly, we are attracted to people who are like us, but different in positive ways, people who can give us something, etc. My point is that I guess that no one really sees any of those things in me. I hate to have a pity party, but I hate going to someone's house and feeling completely out of place and not really welcome even more. What really gets me are the times when I'm cool to hang out with until someone better shows up. I think that is my favorite. No better way to make a person feel like a valid human being. I wonder what it is about me that makes people dislike me so, or even if they don't dislike me, view me as less or unworthy. What is the difference? You know, its not that I need to be constantly praised and reassured, but feeling like people want to hang out with you would make things so much better for me. I think I'm fun, why don't other people? Sometimes I start to think, if they only knew me, then they would want to hang out with me all the time, but then I stop myself and realize that even if they did, it wouldnt change things at all.

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