
Friday, October 05, 2001

Today I am frustrated. I can't pinpoint exactly one reason why, there are so many things currently that drive me up the wall. Rather, make that so many people. Why is it that everything can be going so well in my life but one thing always comes up that seems to dominate over everything else and drain you of all sorts of energy? I hate that one thing. So, I'm having this problem with someone, just one person, and yet there are so many others involved in the situation. How did they get involved? Why do they have any reason to be involved? Beats me. All I know is that they make everything even more complicated, even more frustrating than the whole thing was to begin with. I'm an adult, and believe it or not, I do know how to handle and resolve my own issues. As "selfish", as "stubborn" as it might be, I'm going to fix this how I want to fix it. You can't change my mind, you can't make me do things differently. Please, stop trying to make me. I know you want to help but you're really not. I'm just as unhappy as the other person, I don't like this situation as much as they don't. I want things to be better. And, though some might believe differently, this is NOT all my fault. They had as much to do with the problem as I did, so don't blame me. You know, I think Cartman put things best when he said, "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home."

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