Sunday, November 04, 2001
I have spent the day on the couch, scared to move from my position. From time to time over the past 8 years I have suffered from excrutiating back pain. I never know what will set it off, it seems to come about without any sort of habitual irritation. It's the sort of pain that stops you in your tracks and makes you afraid to take another step. It causes me to crawl, rather than walk, up the stairs, and, when I can, to walk in a crippled sort of manner that if anyone saw me I would be incredibly embarrased. It doesn't bother to stay continuously, only making short but intense visits for a week or so. Medication and heating pads do nothing, its not a muscle ache. Doctors say they can't really help without knowing what causes the pain and the sharp stabs in my lower back seem to take a rest just about the time I walk into the doctor's office. I hate to be a hypochondriac about all of this, but after suffering from this since I was 12, I'm really beginning to think something might be wrong. My mother told me I shouldn't drive or ride my bike around school too much, for fear that an attack might cause an accident. I have plans to visit the not very Urgent Care Center tomorrow. I'm afraid the oh-so competent staff there will be unable to help me in any way but prescribe yet another useless anti-inflammatory. My life should not revolve around anything this painful.
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