
Friday, December 21, 2001

I've been home just a few hours past twenty four, and already have had more to deal with than in the entire two weeks prior. I rode into town yesterday afternoon looking forward to two weeks of rest, relaxation and presents. Lots and lots of presents. I drove into town yesterday morning, dropped my bags off at the house and met my mother at the mall. Things started all right, I ran into Chris' mother and two sisters, I saw some old friends from high school, I caught my sister ditching out on the plans we had made a few weeks ago to go shopping when I came into town. Things were going just fine, that was until I reached into my purse to pay for the juicer I was gifting to myself only to find that my wallet was no longer in my purse. Thus sparked a statewide search operation reaching all the way from my house in Tampa to the gas station in Gainesville where I had paused to buy a Dr. Pepper before hitting the road. I had given the wallet and all of its contents up to gone forever and was slowly and very reluctantly resigning myself to undertake the task of replacing everything. That was until Fred McCullough from J.C. Penny's loss prevention office called me at ten till 11 p.m. to tell me he had found my wallet and I could come and pick it up whenever possible. I love Fred McCullough.

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