
Saturday, December 15, 2001

My mother is coming tomorrow. Under normal circumstances, this would be a happy moment and I would be sleeping. However, my mother is due to arrive at an unknown time tomorrow morning to inspect my house for cleanliness. She and her rather particular white glove will drop themselves at my door step and bless me with one of the most unhappy surprises yet. Therefore, I am cleaning. Down on my hands and knees scrubbing tubs. toilets, carpets, and linoleum floors, emptying trash cans, litter bins, laundry baskets and dish drains. Had I not sat around until 10, I might be somewhere in the neighborhood of finished right now. I've made progress though, I can see the floor of my study, a sight I haven't seen since mid-semester. I clean, reluctantly, mostly to appease my mother, but also somewhat because I have nothing else to do. (I honestly need to stop resenting certain people because they fail to call even though they know I am home until Thursday morning.) Jay Leno and the rest of the late night NBC crew, however, have generously agreed to keep me company for as long as it takes to remove every speck of filth from this house. Speaking of which, back to the grime.

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