
Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Today I wrapped the few Christmas presents I have been able to buy. I needed something to get me into the Christmas spirit, and goodness knows the weather isn't doing it for me. (Random side note: One of my favorite Christmas movies when I was a kid was 'A Cabbage Patch Christmas' where the Cabbage Patch kids sneak out of the patch and past their dangerous foes-yes, they did have foes- to go to New York City to find the Christmas Spirit. I remember all they found was a girl who couldn't walk and it ended with the usual sentimental mush that the Christmas spirit is really inside of everyone. I wish I had that movie now, I would watch it.)
I got a "new" couch today. I'm happy about that because my apartment is finally beginning to look like a home and not a carpet showroom. I'm planning to make slipcovers for it, but I think I might let someone else like Target do all the work for me in the end.
I wonder what sort of pleasure comes from stringing guys along. I personally have never had the opportunity to, either because I am not desirable enough or not cruel enough to do it, but one would think that there must be immense rewards to merit treating guys like puppets. I, for one, find puppets a terrible bore.
David Copperfield was on Mobil Masterpiece Theater tonight, so I watched it. It was very good, but mostly because a younger Harry Potter was playing the part of David. I wonder if poor Harry Potter will ever be able to escape this role. I highly doubt it.
I wonder if money-making capabilities are in DNA. Why are some people designed for greatness and others mediocrity? There has to be an explanation, I think it might lie in the human genome.
My body is tired, but I drank about half a two liter of Dr. Pepper. I don't see sleep anywhere in the immediate forcast.

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