
Saturday, January 26, 2002

Partially due to my complete lack of inspiration and also to the fact that I have nothing interesting to say, I though I might answers some questions about the one subject on which I am an expert-myself:
1.Where were you born? Right here in Gainesville, Florida. Humble beginnings, I guess.
2.What was your high school mascot? The Fighting Eagles.
3.When was your first kiss? Believe it or not, it was on my 18th birthday with Travis the Canadian.
4.What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Definitely MacGuyver. He was the coolest. I wanted to be him.
5.Pepsi or Coke?Though this will most likely meet some opposition, I prefer Pepsi.
6.Who was your best friend in 5th grade? April Gillespie, the same best friend I've had since we were 10.
7.What was the last movie you saw? "A Beautiful Mind"
8.What was the last CD you bought? "Either/Or" by Elliot Smith.
9.What is your favorite book? "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. It makes me happy.
10.What is the first thing you do every morning? Hit the snooze button three or four times.
11.What are your plans for the rest of the night? Probably put off cleaning my house for another six hours so I can sit and watch movies on my tv.

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