
Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Well, 2001 is long gone, and no one could be happier than I to see it go. If the archives of this blog aren't evidence enough, my 2001 was not what anyone would bother to call happy, productive, enjoyable, or any other positive adjective that might exist. Looking back, I see trials, and hurt, and pain, and damaged dreams, but I also see growth and faith and trust and love. On a better note, I enter this new year with a sort of unexpected, unlimited hope that will, Lord willing, last a few hours longer than the resolutions I made as the fireworks sprinkled the sky over the pier in St. Pete. For once, I didn't spend my New Year's Eve consumed with the fact that I didn't have someone to kiss as the year before faded into the year ahead but, instead, enjoyed the company of a best friend who sacrificed other invitations to spend the night with me. If that isn't growth, I certianly do not know what is.

And, for those of you still reading after five months of crying, and hopelessness, and complaints, complaints, complaints, I commend you and hereby resolve, for your sake and mine, to live a life in 2002 focused more on the unexepected joys rather than the unmet expectations.

Happy New Year.

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