Monday, February 11, 2002
I'm going to homeschool my children. I decided that today upon hearing the story of five-year-old Kayla from upstate New York who was punished by teachers and principals for praying over the bounty of peanut butter, jelly, and snack packs that lay before her at the lunch table. The school claimed her prayer violates the (non-existent)part of the Constitution which deems church and state as separate entities. In perusing the foundations of our country, you won't find any charter or amendment proclaiming this separation, but you might run across a little section about freedom of speech and, more importantly, freedom of religion. Thankfully, a federal judge agreed that if little Kayla and her little friends want to hold hands and thank God for their chocolate milk, they have every right to do so. To you, my kindergarten friend, I raise my carton and thank God that He gave you parents who know the importance of saying thanks.
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