
Monday, July 01, 2002

There are days when I feel designed for greatness, and then others when I am determined in my complacency. The summer has reached its mid-point and I have yet to accomplish anything worthy of description.
I have enlisted myself in the great battle of woman vs. waistline, eating less than I want and running more than I should. The results are disappointing to say the least.
About a week ago, I started working at a local family-owned Chinese restaurant. Hardly the job I had hoped for, but it pays cash. I take delivery orders and the money of customers who have taken "all you can eat" as a challenge rather than an invitation. I eat, dream, and smell of wontons and eggrolls.
I find that an increasing number of people have to tell me to smile.
This town, this house, these people seem to be constricting around me and all I want is out.

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