
Friday, November 22, 2002

I got an email from my mother today. She is concerned. No big surprise, I think alot of what I do and what I am planning to do concerns her. I'm moving to California in less than 6 months and she is worried. I met someone while I was in San Francisco, someone I think is absolutely fantastic regardless of whether I may or may not have a future with him, and she is worried. I made the mistake of putting those topics together in one conversation and so, of course, she is worried. I'm not saying her fears are unjustified. I mean, I'm scared as hell to pack up everything I own and move three thousand miles across the country. But I still have to do it. Now is the time to be rash, to leap before I take a nice, long look at the canyon in front of me, to pick up and relocate in a place where I know only a handful of people. I am 21 years old, and never again in my life will I be as free as I am today. I refuse to settle somewhere because my parents are uncomfortable with my decisions. As far as the man I met, I will admit that our "relationship" seems a bit sudden, that my interest in him may be rushed and a bit extreme. But, I have to wonder how my mother felt after spending a few days with my father. I know for a fact that she knew he was "the one" on the night of their first date. I'm not saying that I'm going to marry this person, though the thought has crossed my mind several times, but I will say that I intend to explore every possiblilty as far as he is concerned. Excepting the thousands of miles that separates this person and I, I fail to see a difference between my situation and that of my parents. I know that I am opening myself for a wide range of heartaches and troubles, but the fact still remains that they are my mistakes to make.

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