
Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Well, he called. The conversation lasted for close to half an hour and ended much sooner than I would have liked. I sat on the floor of my living room, shaking like a leaf from nerves. My voice gave out and I almost started to cry when he told me we needed to talk. I am left overcome by the bittersweet nature of the way we have left things. Fate is a bitch. You see, no matter how fantastic the time we spent together was, the 3000 miles between us doesn't seem to be getting any smaller. In fact, I think the distance seems to grow daily. If we lived in the same town, hell, if we lived in state, things would be different. I got what I needed, though, that necessary confirmation of feelings, the promise that nothing is over. We'll keep in touch over the next few months and I'll call him when I get settled there, but, for now, we're both free to live our lives without any attatchments to the other. I'm sad and incredibly disappointed but I have a head full of fantastic memories to help with the healing.
"Nobody said it was easy. Oh, it's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said was easy but no one ever said it would be this hard." ~Coldplay

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