
Sunday, December 22, 2002

It's been over a month since I left him, tears fresh on my cheeks, in the parking garage of the Crown Plaza. I thought that as time passed the memories of our time together would fade, as would the rather intense way I felt towards him. I thought that the empty feeling in my stomach would fill as I returned to friends and work and routine. But, in reality, I still feel as strongly as I did then, though those feelings mingle now with hurt and confusion. I can still picture every inch of his face, his chest, his arms. I remember every second, every kiss, every word. I remember the way his skin felt next to mine, the weight of his body pressing into me, his arms wrapped so tight around my chest. I remember the way he made me feel special and beautiful and positively irresistable. I cannot help but think of him constantly. I miss him terribly, and am beginning to hate myself for it.

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