
Friday, November 14, 2003

Before things between us go any further, there are a few things about myself I really think you should know.

Number 1: I cry at just about everything, and I don't mean dying puppies and broken hearts. By everything I tend to mean sappy phone commercials, discussions about student loan payments, there was a moment in Elf the other night when I felt a little teary, a few weeks ago I practically started sobbing when a cute little kid drew me a cute little picture to tell me he loved me, etc.

Number 2: I could eat Chinese food any hour of any day. A good date needn't include overpriced French food, but rather a perfectly ordered takee-outee special.

Number 3: I talk to my pets in an odd little voice. Worse than that, I respond for them in an even odder one.

Number 4: I am terrified of birds and some flying insects. Terrified, like stop-in-my-tracks-and-shudder-with-fear kind of terrified.

Number 5: Despite the fact that I have a very healthy sense of humor, there are a number of things I take incredibly seriously. The short list includes television and movie viewing, shopping, chocolate, and the over-commercialization of most major holidays. Don't even get me started on that last one.

Number 6: I have a growing affinity for Tom Jones.

and, Number 7: I have a very rural family. They grew up in a small farmhouse in Alabama and now most of them inhabit double wides in north Florida. When we're all together the speech rate tops out at about 10 words a minute and we eat things like cornbread and collard greens and pinto beans. I generally have a love-hate relationship with this part of myself but ultimately, deep, deep, deep down, I too love comfort food and speak with a Southern drawl.

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