
Monday, September 13, 2004


“There are all different ways you can tell that there's someone really there watching out for us. You see signs. Sometimes they're little ones. You think of someone. The phone rings. They're on the phone... Sometimes they're big, like fourteen lights hovering over Mexico City. What you have to decide is what kind of person you are? Are you the type who believes in miracles and looks for signs or are you the kind who believes, things just happen by chance?” ~M. Night Shyamalan,Signs

Friday night I sat at home, steeped in misery and spending yet another evening on the sofa in the living room of my parents home (pathetic, I know). Tom Brokaw was chronicling the tragic story of Aron Ralston, the dashing young adventurer who cut off his arm to save his life. He was somewhat attractive and ridiculously rugged, so I did what any woman in my position would do, I googled him. In the midst of my search, I stumbled across a job opening. A great job, a perfect job, a job I have possibly spent my life preparing for. I took the weekend to get my stuff together, to rewrite my cover letter, to adjust my resume, to research cost of living and the feasibility of relocation. By Sunday night, I was ready; but, not wanting to seem unprofessional, I decided to wait until early the next morning to send everything. This could have been a problem. As my joblessness ensues, my chronic insomnia is settling back in and mornings rarely start before 11. Last night, sleep came easliy and this morning, amidst dreams of big cities and apartment hunting, I was awoken by Katie Couric introducing her next guest. Aron Ralston was sitting across from her. It was 8:30 am. I took this as a sign.
I would never have woken that early on my own, despite the fact that I had wanted to send my application by 9. Ralston was the reason I found the job, and then, because of him, I wake up early when I never would have otherwise. Little things...leaving the tv on NBC the night before, waking up at precisely the time he came on the screen. I have to believe this isn't just coincidence. I need to know that miracles are out there.
So, cross your fingers, say a prayer, send some good vibes out into the final frontier. I really don't think we're alone in this world, but I'd rather not take any chances.

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